Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Easy Nail Art for Chipped Tips: Mani Monday

This article is from birchbox.com, click here to view article

As much as we love nail art, we’re better at admiring designs than coming up with them ourselves. That’s why we’ve enlisted Anna Norman, the smarty pants behind Glitter, She Wrote, to be a regular contributor. Every Monday, she’ll be sharing her latest lacquer inspiration—you won’t be satisfied with plain ol’ polish again.
Chips happen. Even if you use top-of-the-line polish and take the utmost care with your nails, the final day of a manicure isn’t always pretty. But just because you have a chip or two doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch.
On days when I’m running out of the house or don’t feel like taking off all of my polish (especially dark polish or glitter, which can be labor-intensive), I turn to nail art for a quick cure. Today I brought life back to my chipped nails with a simple technique—reinforcement sticker half moons. Here’s how to get the look:
Step 1: Apply a round binder hole reinforcement sticker to the bottom of each nail—you’ll find these in the office supply aisle of the drugstore. I applied them on top of a days-old manicure, but if you are starting fresh, make sure to let your base polish dry completely before applying the stickers. I’m wearing China Glaze Smoke and Ashes, a nearly-black polish with green shimmer.
Step 2: Choose a second polish color. If you’re trying to cover up chipped tips, this polish should have a full-coverage consistency—sheers, jellies, or thin glitters won’t work well here. Apply one or two coats of the polish over the top portion of your nail, leaving the section beneath the sticker untouched. I’m using Zoya Dove, a creamy pale grey with great coverage.
Step 3: While the polish is still wet, carefully remove the reinforcement sticker. (It’s best to work one nail at a time so you can remove the sticker before the polish dries).
Step 4: Clean up any polish that ended up outside the lines with a Q-tip or small brush dipped in nail polish remover, and add a top coat for shine and protection.
I love this geometric look. It’s modern and on-trend without being too wild. And the best part? No one will ever guess that you have chipped nails underneath!