Saturday, May 18, 2013

NYC MTA : construction work in midtown during hours

I take the beeline bus to Westchester. 

It's the most expensive bus ride in the system at $7.50/ ride. 

No monthly discount/pass available. 

The only bus not to have tinted windows.
If the bus is not there at the scheduled time, there's no real way for the riders to five know if:
They missed it ( bus driver was early )
It's late
Or  it's a no show. 

Customer service closes at 4. 

New drivers (or backup drivers) by pass stops. This is mostly because the stops are never where the bus stop sign is located. So, if you are a new rider, you will most likely also miss the bus your first time because you won't know where to stand. 

So, yes,lots of negatives. But for me the positives outweigh the negatives. 
So I keep on riding. 

But today the MTA really good me upset. 

They are doing construction work on Madison Avenue, during Rush hour. 

To catch our bus we had walk to the third lane. 

There's dust all over from the machines been used. And the noise is horrible. 

Who's bright idea was to have this hazardous construction site ? 

Here are some images.